The Giants' History
In early 1964, with no record deal in sight and Mickey Marchant preparing to leave for university, The Sapphires split up. Trevor Duplock and John Hills joined Bob Sansom, Bill Smith and Michael Grimwade in Brighton’s first professional recording and touring rock band, "Bobby Sansom & The Giants". Bobby Sansom was a well-known performer who had often appeared on radio and TV. He formed The Giants and recorded two singles for Oriole records, "Lucille" and "There’s a Place", a Lennon and McCartney song. The Giants had a very loyal following in Brighton and the South and played regularly at the Starlight Rooms. They toured throughout the UK and were represented by Soho-based London City Agency. In early '64 The Giants made the first of three appearances that year at the world-famous Cavern Club, Liverpool, topping the bill with an up and coming Animals as support act! In February, a second appearance at the Cavern was the night of the first-ever live radio broadcast from the club, "Sunday Night Live at the Cavern", for Radio Luxembourg. |